Saturday 16 September 2017

Nested If-else : To find the roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 and a!=0

let ax2+bx+c=0: is a quadratic equation
            Enter the values of a,b,c : 1 -5 6
            roots are x1=3  x3= 2

In the above program, a,b,c are the coefficient of quadratic equation. We calculate the discriminant d=b2-4ac. Then using nested if-else statement.

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Friday 8 September 2017

If-else-If Ladder : Program to calculate the division of a student according to marks obtained

output :
       enter marks in 3 subjects : 90 60 30
       first division

In the above program we can also use if statement in the place of else if . But the time to execute the program is increased.In if statement every condition is checked whether it's true or false. In case of else if : if condition is true then exit, if false then going to check next condition.

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Wednesday 6 September 2017

C++ Program to calculate the greatest of three numbers using nested if-else

In the above program, the user entered the values of three numbers a,b&c. First condition is checked (a>b). If this condition is true then comes to condition (a>c). If condition (a>c) is true then first number __ is greatest is print otherwise third number __ is greatest is print.

But if the condition (a>b) is false then it checks for the condition (b>c) . If condition (b>c) is true then second number __ is greatest is print otherwise third number __ is greatest is print.

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Tuesday 5 September 2017

C++ Program to check whether a number is even or odd

In this program, we first enter a number (say 10). Then check the condition (10%2). If it gives result zero(0), then then it prints the message number is even and if it is non zero(0),then it prints the message number is odd.

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Monday 4 September 2017

second program c++ : All arithmetic operatioall

You can use cin to input form the user on runtime
syntax of cin already in the comment of a program

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second program c : All arithmetic operations

c progran of all arithmetic operations
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Sunday 3 September 2017

First program : How to print 'hello world' c&c++

c program 


c++ program 

// is used for single line comment
/*---------*/is used for multiple line comment 

Nested If-else : To find the roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 and a!=0

let ax 2 +bx+c=0 : is a quadratic equation output:             Enter the values of a,b,c : 1 -5 6             roots are x1=3  x3=...